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 Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 386
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2011

Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Empty
MessageSujet: Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan   Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Icon_minitimeSam 29 Oct 2011, 1:11 pm

The coach ran without stopping, the driver sets the rush by the Archbishop of Milan, who had finally decided to appeal once again to complete his studies and training para-theological.

Accessing to the Halls of Exorcists would be illuminating, as well as necessary for my archiepiscopal person. he thought, and within a few days, he reached the gates of the Palace of the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith.

He got down without hindrance, although the Secretary would help him at all costs, and he came to the door of the palace, to knock and ask for access.


La carrozza correva senza sosta, con la fretta imposta al cocchiere da parte dell'Arcivescovo di Milano, il quale aveva finalmente deciso di impugnare nuovamente gli studi e completare la sua formazione para-teologica.

Accedere alle Sale degli Esorcisti potrebbe essere illuminante, nonche' necessario per la mia figura arciepiscopale. pensava, e in capo a pochi giorni, giunse alle porte del Palazzo della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede.

Scese senza impiccio, sebbene il suo Segretario volesse a tutti i costi aiutarlo, e si appropinquo' alla porta del Palazzo, per bussare e chiedere di entrare.
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Nombre de messages : 494
Lieu de résidence principale : Touraine
Date d'inscription : 20/05/2011

Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan   Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Icon_minitimeSam 29 Oct 2011, 2:08 pm

Un carrosse se présentait aux portes de l’antichambre.
Minlawa descendait alors accueillir le nouvel arrivant.

Bonjour mon fils, vous désirez ?


A stagecoach appeared near the anteroom.
Minlawa then went down to welcome the newcomer.

Hello my son, you wish?
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Nombre de messages : 386
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2011

Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan   Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Icon_minitimeSam 29 Oct 2011, 2:24 pm

Greetings, Monseigneur, replied Mgr Borromeo Galli I'm Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, Honorary Nonce of the Duchy of Milan and Missus Inquisitionis. I hope I could attend your courses, expecially the seminar of Exorcism.

May I consider welcome?
he smiled.
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MessageSujet: Re: Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan   Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan Icon_minitime

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Arrival of Mgr Edoardo Borromeo Galli, Archbishop of Milan
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